About MTAC
Founded in 1980, The Movie Theatre Association of Canada (MTAC) is a trade organization representing the interests of exhibitors behind more than 3,000 movie screens nation-wide.
MTAC works collaboratively to share best practices and identify ways to preserve, and promote Canadian exhibitors. Within North America and globally, MTAC acts as the voice of Canada’s exhibitor network, communicating their unique needs and challenges to industry stakeholders worldwide.
Members of MTAC rely on the association to stay abreast of the most current industry news and developments, as it acts as a liaison between governing bodies and provides strategic counsel on a wide range of issues.
In the face of diverse and ever-growing viewing and distribution offerings available to consumers today, MTAC endeavours to assist exhibitors in continually delivering unparalleled movie-going experiences to audiences, shining the spotlight on the excitement of ‘going to the movies’ and seeing films how they are meant to be seen – on the “Big Screen”.
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government Relations
Through a national government relations strategy, MTAC represents the interests of its members on a range of core issues. With a deep understanding of regional and provincial regulations, MTAC plays an integral role in helping its members navigate through a maze of government-related considerations such as:
- MENU LABELLING – Provincial or industry-specific food and beverage-centered regulations, such as Ontario’s Healthy Menu Choices Act (launching in January 2017), mandating such regulations as the display of caloric content of all food and drink items across all standard size.
- FILM CLASSIFICATION – In an effort to standardize classification processes across the country, MTAC acts as a collaborative liaison amongst Canada’s six predominant provincial classification boards; the British Columbia Film Classification Office, Alberta Film Ratings, Manitoba Film Classification Board, Ontario Film Review Board, Régie du cinéma du Québec and the Maritime Film Classification Board.
- PROVINCIAL FILM ACTS – Due to the ever-changing technological landscape and distinct provincial legislations that vary from region to region, MTAC acts as an informed resource to various provincial governing bodies. This ensures Acts remain as relevant as possible and accurately reflect the present state of the industry from both an issues and language perspective.
- ACCESSIBILITY REGULATIONS – Canadian exhibitors are strongly committed to fostering an inviting and accommodating movie-going environment for their patrons. Through ongoing learning and discussion in areas such as employee training, service animals, service aids and more, MTAC supports its members in identifying ways to improve access and remove barriers that may inhibit or challenge the dignity and comfort of the disabled.
- COPYRIGHT COLLECTIVES – MTAC represents exhibitors’ positions and helps members negotiate with Canadian copyright collectives to create multi-year agreements.
- AMUSEMENT TAX – MTAC has been successful in combatting Amusement Tax legislation that would affect the price of movie theatre tickets in certain municipalities.
international Representation
MTAC represents the unique Canadian exhibitor market, a web of distinct regulations not found in other North American markets, through numerous international committees. This global presence results in MTAC members having access to the most up-to-date information and knowledge of industry trends, which is imperative as the landscape regarding piracy, theft and technological advancement continues to evolve at a rapid pace.
- FILM THEFT - The economic impact of movie piracy in Canada is significant, trickling down through all areas of the industry, from cinema owners, to distributors, retailers and producers. The ongoing debate regarding best practices and viable solutions for mitigating piracy are a hotbed of discussion, as methods of theft such as downloading, streaming, purchasing of counterfeit content, 'burning' and unofficial copy acquisition grow more sophisticated on a daily basis. MTAC is heavily engaged in piracy prevention and protection of industry stakeholders and is an active participant in all discussions regarding these matters.
- TECHNOLOGY - Whether it’s the installation of the latest in sound quality or the resurrection of obsolete equipment to create a vintage vibe, technology plays a large role in helping a movie leave its mark. Even the most subtle nuances can greatly impact how the audience responds emotionally to a film. MTAC members have access to immeasurably valuable insights regarding the latest technologies and trends, enabling them to remain competitive and provide new and engaging movie-going experiences to consumers.
- INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITORS COMMITTEE - MTAC sits on the NATO International Committee, collecting vital information from other jurisdictions regarding best practices in areas including collectives, technology, in-theatre marketing and other timely issues impacting the industry.
GLOBAL CINEMA FEDERATION - The world’s biggest exhibition companies — including giants AMC Entertainment and Regal Entertainment Group, and Cineplex — are linking arms to raise the industry’s profile with regulatory agencies, and smooth differences between countries.
Their interests will be represented by a new worldwide organization, the Global Cinema Federation. Founding trade associations include the U.S.’ National Association of Theatre Owners (NATO) and Europe’s The International Union of Cinemas (UNIC).
The group is still working on formal policy positions, and specific strategies the Federation will take to address them. Common concerns include practices and laws involving film theft, theatrical exclusivity, music rights payments, accessibility regulations, studio relations, technology and standards, international trade, and foreign investment. In addition, Hollywood studios are weighing changes including premium video on demand that might weaken theater owners’ ties to moviegoers. In addition to AMC and Regal, founding operators include Cinemark, Cineplex, Cinépolis, Cineworld, CJ-CGV, Event Cinemas, Les Cinemas Gaumont Pathé, Vue International and Wanda Cinemas.
regional Associations
In order to support the unique regulatory issues and needs of each market, MTAC maintains a national Board of Directors with regional branches in British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Quebec and Atlantic Canada. MTAC’s national and market-specific knowledge of the industry enables exhibitors across the country to work collaboratively with other industry partners and ensure their best interests are well represented in the areas of:
- Regulatory affairs
- Policy-making and legislation
- Distribution
- Emerging technologies
- Marketing
Regional Associations:
- Motion Picture Theatre Association of Central Canada
- Motion Picture Theatre Association of B.C.
- Motion Picture Theatre Association of Alberta
- Atlantic Motion Picture Exhibitors Association (AMPEA)
- Corporation des salles de cinéma du Québec
- Association des propriétaires de cinémas du Québec
show canada
Produced by MTAC, ShowCanada is the only film industry conference in Canada that brings together all sectors of the industry from across Canada and the US. For four days, delegates gather for screenings, informative seminars and invaluable networking opportunities.
For more information on ShowCanada, please click here.
For ShowCanada promotional and sponsorship opportunities, please email info@showcanada.ca.
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